Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 12:15 AM
Brian. The World Damn Small. Seriously. says:
eh kp
i wanted to arrange
my son
and kj daugther
get married
but we realized
§ ħ Ξ и says:
Brian. The World Damn Small. Seriously. says:
§ ħ Ξ и says:
Brian. The World Damn Small. Seriously. says:
my face square
his face square
panda face square
our child
i mean
sure come out like box
§ ħ Ξ и says:
brian stfu.
- l e o n a r d - says:
nice one kp
* Brian. The World Damn Small. Seriously. has left the conversation.
§ ħ Ξ и says:
Few seconds later..
* Brian. The World Damn Small. Seriously. has been added to the conversation.
- l e o n a r d - says:
brian finally
by leaving
u made us laugh
Brian. The World Damn Small. Seriously. says:
§ ħ Ξ и says:
u need medal?
- l e o n a r d - says:
damn sad la brian
dont abuse him edi
dont bully him edi
Brian. The World Damn Small. Seriously. says:
* Brian. The World Damn Small. Seriously. has left the conversation.
§ ħ Ξ и says:
Brian you need love, life, and a hug :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 2:15 AM
I'm in First year degree in Architectural Studies at Taylors.
It's been half a sem passed by but it is just a small fraction of the architectural divine hell and torture.
I met new friends, great people, hotter chicks, and rocking lecturers.
Although the journey is hard and its stressing, at the end we all smile at each other with a drip of happiness and fun that we've braced through.
Architectural do change us alot thou. From normal beings to paranoid fellows, psychotic fellows, crazy fellows, people-who-wanna-dominate-the-world fellows and so on.
So how does it change us? It changes us in many ways
For example,
It turns someone's face utterly distorted.
It turns someone into an emotional freak.
Architecture are like steroids. It turns someone into an extraordinarily hardworking beings.
It makes someone's imitation to the best. (Rian you are pwned by Serene.)
And of course the last but not the least....
It makes someone extremely sleepy and will do anything just to get a few seconds of winks. (Yes I'm pwned by Rian, Serene, Ming and Mr Keith.)
So yeah. Basically this is what i gone through this one and a half month studies of architecture. It maybe suffering, but it is also a session of whackoness since there are alot of funny ppl inside.
Next 3 years its gonna be a bombshell of pain and laughter. Kinda looking towards it :)))
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 at 7:59 PM
Once again i failed to convince her and she swinged her AK-47, pulling out a headshot on me.
I need to push my brain more. I need to push my designs more.
So please don't place a concrete wall half way through. I don't wanna have a pinch of thoughts that i had chosen the wrong course.
If the outcome of this assignment is still a crescent moon smile, I will go home and slam my face on the wall, engraving my crescent moon frown on the wall, as to show that my efforts are gone banished like wisps of smoke.
Please. I don't wanna bleed again.
Saturday, April 4, 2009 at 3:51 PM
He is a resurrection of a fallen god called Chiron, which also known as the far-shooting god.
The way he play Counter Strike will leave you lost until your mom can't recognize you.
He is also a die hard fan of Heath Ledger.
So die hard and fanatic that he even call himself Heath Ledger, or the Joker, or anything.
But he is a good person.
I had today's Counter Strike is all due thanks to him, and of course Leonard also la.
So he do deserve a Joker for himself.
Happy Birthday Butler! 18 years old adi. Can also go around fuck girls adi. Do share the experience also when u do it okay :)))
P.S. on the mean time i would also dedicate this to Heath Ledger. Happy birthday too. You would own Hollywood if u were still around.
Happy birthday to Soon Phaik Teng and Soon Phaik Wei too!
Although i like saw u less than 10 times I think -_-
But i still havent forget you both k.
Btw he will get strike by thunder one day. So dont sad :))
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 10:39 PM
Definition of fucked up line: When u can go to the internet surfing porn while u cant log in to programs like MSN, Garena, Hamachi etc.
Fucked up night without msn.
From simple ones,
To derived ones.
But these are just study models. Still got consolidating model and final model to do. Which means there are still more hell to come.
Damn the line.
Damn the explosions.